Common Cyber Attacks: Types of Malware

Ivery Daniels III
2 min readMay 23, 2021

Malware is unauthorized program or file in your device against your permission. It has the ability to connect itself to legitimate code and spread; it can hide in valuable software or duplicate itself around the Internet. Macro viruses infect programs like Microsoft Word and Excel. These specific viruses bind themselves to the initialization phase of a program. The virus sends out instructions while passing power to the program once the application starts. Then the virus copies and attaches this to other programs in the operating system.

Typically, File infector viruses bind itself to executable code, for example as .exe scripts. So when the code is executed, the virus is installed. Another kind of file infector combines itself against a file by generating a virus file that must have the same name except a.exe extension. As a result, the virus code will be executed once the file is created. A boot-record virus binds itself to a master boot record of hard disk Once the device boots, it examines the sector of the boot and loads the virus through memory, in which it can spread towards other disks and computers.

Stealth viruses hijack machine features in order to remain undetected. They can do that by breaching malware identification software, causing it to report an infected region as uninfected. Such viruses hide any rise with in size of an infected file, as well as modifications to the file’s timestamp of last update.

Trojan Horse

A Trojan, also known can be called a Trojan horse, is a malicious software that hides inside a useful program. The fact that Trojans can’t replicate itself distinguishes them from viruses. A side note to conducting attacks on a device; a Trojan will provide a back entrance that attackers can use.

Ransomware is a form of malware that prevents victims from accessing their data and warns to report or erase it until a ransom can be paid. Although some basic software ransomware will lock the system in the first place that a wise user can easily undo, more sophisticated malware employs a tactic known as crypto viral blackmail, which encrypts the victim’s data and causes them to disappear. Spyware is a kind of software that is installed to gather information about a person, devices, or browsing patterns. Without your awareness, it records everything you see and sends the information to a remote customer. It can also use the internet to import and upload other malicious software.

